What You'll Learn

  1. Go To Sink Tab And Click On Create Sink if not present.
  2. Copy Your Gcp Project Id To Project Field
  3. Follow the instructions and click continue.Choose either console or cli option.
  1. Go To Registry Tab and click on New Registry
  2. If Root CA is needed, Paste the rootCA.crt generated in the previous step and paste it in the authentication.
  3. Enter Registry Details and Click Create. Sample Data is shown below.
  1. Navigate to the Device Tab and select "New Device," then opt for TCP Device.
  2. Browse through the list of available Device Models, and upon finding the desired one, click on "Create Device". List-Device
  3. Input the Device's IMEI number and proceed by clicking on "Create." Create-Device
  1. .Open the device details tab from the right side.Get the ip/domain name and port associated with the device
  2. We will be using a simulator called netcat for simulating tcp/udp devices.Enter the details fetched from above to the netcat simulator
    #Tcp Device
         netcat -v {ip} {port}
    #Udp Device
          netcat -u {ip} {port}
    #Payload Conversion from ascii to binary before sending through netcat
         echo -n "2A74000143D3D7662869C1E49FEF18055E46AE545E46AE54139241ACBA2A4BB5000A051F260A0DAF01004E0000000300" | xxd -r -p | netcat -u {ip} {port}
  3. Press Enter and once in netcat ,one can publish ascii encoded messages to the server.
  1. Open The Subscription Tab for the particular pubSub Topic For Events,as given in registry details.
  2. Messages can be pulled and viewed.